
The TCS is devoted to control the MCCB’s disconnection circuits (trip) or the safety circuits. In fact, whenever there is an interruption in a circuit (output relay of any given protection MCCB’s shunt trip coil and the connection between the relay and the coil), andit is required that the MCCB trips due to any anomaly in the line, such MCCB will be unable to trip.
Provided that the system has been installed with other protections, some other Ciruit Breaker will trip and the result will be the loss of service of other sections of the system, which might be most important. Should the MCCB be the sole protection, the use of the TCS is most important, because the working guarantee of the tripping circuit becomes critical, in this particular case. An important application is with the safety or emergency circuits, according with the CEI 64-8/537.4.3 Standard, when using shunt trip coils for emergency reactions, as the starting of a fire fighting system.
- Auxiliary voltage supply: 24,48 V a.c./d.c.
- Current of circuit under control: 6 mA
- Voltage of circuit under contro:l 13÷30 V a.c./d.c. 8-9 terminals and 24÷60 V a.c./d.c. 7-9 terminals
- Tripping Time delay: 0,4÷1 seg
- Reset Time: 0,6÷1 seg
- Output: 2 change-over contacts: 5A 250 V
- Working Temperature: -10 + 60 °C
- Auxiliary voltage supply: 110,230,400 V a.c./d.c.
- Current of circuit under control: 2 mA 110,380 V and 4mA 220V
- Voltage of circuit under contro: 50÷260 V a.c./d.c. 8-9 terminals and 250÷440 V a.c./d.c. 7-9 terminals
- Tripping Time delay: 0,2÷0,5 seg
- Reset Time: 1,5÷2 seg
- Output: 2 change-over contacts: 5A 250 V
- Working Temperature: -10 + 60 °C
